I was a guest on The Ordinary Elite, a podcast hosted by John McGovern and Mike Dailly, to discuss some of the issues raised in 'Land Reform for the Common Good', my discussion paper for The Jimmy Reid Foundation. You can listen to the episode here:
My discussion paper, titled 'Land Reform for the Common Good', for The Jimmy Reid Foundation was published on July 27th 2023. It calls for a more radical and integrated approach to land reform policy in Scotland than has been the case since devolution.
You can download the paper here:
You can watch my presentation during the paper's online launch event here:
THE GUARDIAN: 27th July 2023. Ministers need to be bolder over Scotland's land reforms, say campaigners https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/jul/27/ministers-need-to-be-bolder-over-scotlands-land-reforms-say-campaigners
THE NATIONAL: 27th July 2023. Scottish land reform 'too fragmented and piecemeal', expert says https://www.thenational.scot/news/23682546.scottish-land-reform-too-fragmented-piecemeal-expert-says/
PRESS & JOURNAL: 27th July 2023. More radical approach on land reform needed to tackle policy challenges, says report https://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/fp/news/highlands-islands/5985724/more-radical-approach-on-land-reform-needed-says-report/
THE NATIONAL: 28th July 2023. Humza Yusaf to 'consider' major change to Scottish Land Reform Bill https://www.thenational.scot/news/23687148.humza-yousaf-consider-major-change-scottish-land-reform-bill/
BBC AN LÀ: 27th July 2023. https://www.bbc.co.uk/naidheachdan/fbh/66332762
STORNOWAY GAZETTE: 3rd August 2023. Land reform is society's 21st century challenge
STORNOWAY GAZETTE: 3rd August 2023. Open Forum: Radical land reform could help address long-term social injustice
BELLA CALEDONIA: 4th August 2023. Time to reassert land reform's radical edge
WEST HIGHLAND FREE PRESS: 10th August 2023. Call for radical approch to land justice
PRESS & JOURNAL: 18th August 2023. David Ross: Scottish land reform propoosla don't go far enough to protect local people
In February 2021 I participted in an online roundtable discussion on 'Plantation Slavery and Landownership in the West Highlands and Islands', a research paper by Dr Iain MacKinnon of Coventry University and Dr Andrew Mackillop of the University of Glasgow. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=i3jU_LS7UY0
The paper can be accessed here:
In March 2021 I was a panellist at a European Community Land Trust Roundtable hosted by the Schumacher Center for New Economics, along with Tom Chance of the National CLT Network in England and Wales and Geert de Pauw of Community Land Trust Brussels. The roundtable was moderated by Natasha Hulst, European Land Commons Program Director at the Schumacher Center. A recording of the roundtable can be accessed via this link:
In January 2021 I participated as a land reform expert in a session on the theme of Land Use & Lifestyle as part of Scotland's Climate Assembly. You can watch my presentation to Assemby members here:
The Assemby made three specific recommendations regarding community right to buy legislation, community land ownership reform, and community climate action projects based on the evidence I provided.
I wrote Community Land Scotland's manifesto for the 2021 Scottish Parliament Election. Several of the manifesto's policy proposals were included in the main politial parties' manifestos, including committments to: introduce a Public Interest Test on significant land transfers; a statutory land rights and responsibilties review process; retention of the Scottish Land Fund with an increased annual budget of £20 million; a review of community right to buy legislartion; and rural repopulation measures. You can access the manifesto here: